Thursday, May 20, 2010

Drum Circle

The drum is a musical instrument transformed into a healing tool. Drumming is a return to wholeness. It helps humanity maintain its innate connection to the rhythms of nature. Your body has natural rhythms such as the rhythm of your heartbeat, your circadian rhythm, which is sleeping and waking, the rhythm of your breathing, rhythms of brain waves, and hormonal rhythms. Your immune system loves a good beat. Drumming is about self-expression, relaxation, spirituality, quality of life and healing.
You don't need any drumming experience. Drums will be available for you to use or you can bring your own. The philosophy of drumming is about connecting to the beat within you. Healing, like rhythm, comes from within you.
Daniel Ide is an experienced drummer and a great drum circle facilitator. He has a great understanding of the drum and different sounds that you can get depending on the type and how you hit it.
Above is a picture of a drum circle group. Our group meets in a wood paneled room with wood floors. If you just sit while the others are drumming and put your hands on the top of the drum then you can feel the vibrations go through your hands and feet. It is amazing!



A nonprofit organization and club promoting education of geology, and the lapidary arts. Donations accepted receipts available upon request, and for larger donations.

Working with Gem Stones and Rocks is called Lapidary.

Lapidary is fun and rewarding. All are welcome to join our meetup group. You will find good information in our links area, the OBMS news letters offer a wealth of information. We also have photos of events and field trips, so join up even if you are not local to this area. We offer Training, and access to a fully tooled Work Shop. Training includes, Lapidary, Field Trips, go collect your own Gems and Rocks with our group and group leaders!

We give instruction on making Jewelry, Silver Smithing, Wire Wrapping, learn how to carve, and much more. After you collect your Gems and Rocks, or make some Jewelry you can sell your finds, and art work at our “Gem and Mineral Tail Gate Show’s” This is a regular event to support our nonprofit organization, so that we can continue educating the community young and not so young and everyone in between, about minerals and the Lapidary arts.

On the first Thursday of the month the general Public is invited to visit our work Shop, and receive the valuable instruction on turning stones into jewlery. You will be shown how to use the shop equipment and have a hands on experience to make your own piece. We will even include the material for your first FREE Visit as our Guest.


Just off of Arrowhead Ave, by the Orange Show Grounds

You are welcome to come by any time that we are open for up to four free visits. Visits include personal instruction and the use of the general workshop, first timers will recieve a free gem/lapidary slab to work with and help in creating your first jewlery ready lapidary stone, known as a Cab. Saw use and other items require a donation to use, so that we can replace blades and so on.

You are welcome to become a full OBMS member fees run between $25 and $45 a year( depending on the size of your family), with a $10 first time enrollment fee. Shop or class fees are $5 each time

We are Open, Mondays through Thursdays 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

Saturdays 10:00 am to 3:00 pm and often other times as well.

Shop Number: 909-381-0089 Email:

Metal Arts Society of Southern California

The Metal Arts Society of Southern California is having their Annual Demonstration Day.

It is from 10 am to 3 pm and the cost is $15 per person.
They have a great line-up of demonstrators.
Melinda Alexander - Riveted Stone Setting-Capture a stone with the simple technique of Rivets

Marne Ryan - Organic Metals-The opportunity to play with fire constructively while creating rich textures in sterling silver
Connie Fox - Define Design-This demo will cover several strategies for clarifying, deepening, and expanding your awareness of your personal jewelry design sensibility
Sandra VanderMey - Coloring Titanium- Enhance your expressions by adding the language of color
Ruth Shapiro - Put Your Best foot Forward- Learn how to make displays that will enhance your work

This event was so informative. There was about 120 people there so we were split up in groups.

We viewed Melinda Alexanders demonstration first. She showed us techniques she had used to make rings and bracelets using rivets. The picture at the right shows an example of that. The 2 stars have been separated by rivets to give it a 3D effect. There are many uses for rivets - you can solder rivets together to get more of a graphic design.

Then we went Sandra VanderMey for her demonstration on Coloring Titanium it was amazing to find out that the amount of electricity applied to a piece of Titanium directly affects the color it will change. Also how applying a torch to the same metal gives you more of a rainbow effect. The picture at the right is torched Titanium twisted and turned into earrings.

We were then sent to Ruth Shapiro's demonstration of jewelry show displays the most amazing part of her demonstration was that almost everything she showed us was something that we could find for free.  The picture at the right is an example of a bracelet tree made from paper towel rolls. If you painted it with a little textured spray paint and everyone will think that you paid tons for it.

We had a delicious lunch catered by Togo's with salad, water, cookies, chips, and a variety of sandwiches. Then they served cake which we were to full to eat.

After lunch it was on to Marne Ryans demonstration of Organic Metals - we were the most impressed with her techniques.  She takes sheets of silver and fuses them together by layering and torching. This gives her pieces a unique 3 dimensional feel and look while still being one solid piece. It gave us great ideas of different things we could do. I just wish that sheets of silver weren't so expensive.

We went to our last demonstration with Connie Fox who gave us more great ideas about defining our own personal design. The sociology of it all. Make what you like. I think that's great advice.

I would suggest that if anybody has a chance to go next year that you definitely do it.

World Labyrinth Day

On World Labyrinth Day people are joining together all over the world and at 1pm (Pacific Time) we will all walk labyrinths together trying to send a wave of good feeling over the earth. If your wondering what a labyrinth is I have given you many definitions but to some it up it is a maze that you walk in peace and quiet thinking about what you would like to focus on in the up and coming month. So you would walk into it with a positive good intention and walk out with a plan. I personally love labyrinths because they calm me. I think this will be a great event and I hope you join me.
Prehistoric labyrinths are believed to have served as traps for malevolent spirits or as defined paths for ritual dances. In medieval times, the labyrinth symbolized a hard path to God with a clearly defined center (God) and one entrance (birth).
Labyrinths can be thought of as symbolic forms of pilgrimage; people can walk the path, ascending toward salvation or enlightenment. Many people could not afford to travel to holy sites and lands, so labyrinths and prayer substituted for such travel. Later, the religious significance of labyrinths faded, and they served primarily for entertainment, though recently their spiritual aspect has seen a resurgence.
Many newly made labyrinths exist today, in churches and parks. Labyrinths are used by modern mystics to help achieve a contemplative state. Walking among the turnings, one loses track of direction and of the outside world, and thus quiets the mind. The Labyrinth Society provides a locator for modern labyrinths all over the world.
What the Inland Empire Metaphysical Family is Saying about this meetup:

Join us for the second annual World Labyrinth Day with the intention of spreading the healing benefits of the labyrinth. This is a global event that brings people from all over the planet together in celebration of the labyrinth as a symbol, a tool, a passion or a practice.
We will "Walk As One at 1" in an attempt to create a wave of peaceful energy moving around the planet. People will be walking a labyrinth at 1:00 P.M. in their local time zone. Think Globally, Walk Locally.
There will be a variety of Labyrinths to walk, you may walk one or all of them.

We went the first day of May, it was a gorgeous day. The wind was blowing just enough to keep the sun at bay. We walked all over the Glen Ivy center property exploring 5 different Labyrinths. We had nice snacks in the gazebo while the children went on a nature hike. Everyone had a great time.

Salt - Day X Exists

So we were sitting the theater this weekend waiting to see Iron Man 2 and the previews came up for SALT. I turned to the kids and asked "hasn't that movie come out yet?" I have seen this movie advertised for so long that I thought it had come out and i just missed it. So in the preview that they flashed they advertised a new game they launched called SALT - Day X Exists. So I went and checked it out. It kinda seems like another way to draw out the advertising until the actual opening.

You log in and watch a clip then you interact with the computer and play a mini game giving you a score depending on how you play and how fast you play you are given a score. Then you are suppose to read the closing report and find the clue codes. There are also bonus codes that you find in the trailer. I think it's cool but the Movie is suppose to come out July 23rd 2010. You will be given a new mission to complete every week for 9 weeks which just happens to get you all the way to the week of the movie opening. If you want to check it out go to

Lemon Festival

The Upland Lemon Festival was the weekend of 24th in April - Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I was there Saturday from 2pm to 10pm. I worked in the Tupperware booth, thank you to those who came by and said Hi!
We enjoyed good friends and good times, with great food, carnival rides and games, lemon flavored items, and artisans from all parts of California. We were located next to the gazebo so we could see most of the foot traffic. There was tons of people that were there on Saturday during the day, it did slow down a little at night. I did notice that a lot of people had purchased less this year than last year. Last year I watched as people walked by with bags of stuff from local vendor booths strollers with stuff and parents carrying kids. This year they went for the food and the fun and looked at vendor items but not much buying going on.