Thursday, September 24, 2009

Still Pondering

I usually hate watching commercials. I would rather put a show on go do things around the house for 15 min then come back and rewind to the beginning, just so that I can fast forward through the commercials. Commercials to me are just a reminder of what I should be doing instead of watching TV. So the other day I was watching a show and it happened - I watched a commercial. I don't even remember what it was for I just remember watching a woman park in a lot, get out and put cones in the spaces next to her. Then run off to go shopping. I just kept thinking why wouldn't someone just move the cones out of the way and park there. Then I thought about it, most people do think of orange cones as un-movable. When was the last time you thought you could just go over and pick up a cone and just move it? Then I started thinking why didn't I think of that. I could go out and buy a couple of $10 cones and put them in random places just to confuse people. That would make for such an exciting day. I could get the kids together pack a picnic, go to mall parking, and place a couple of cones in prime parking spaces and then watch to see what happens. Wow - good times.

School schedules have changed so much since I was in school. Back in the day we had school from 8:00 am to 2:30 pm and we had 3 months off in the summer. Now the kids go from 7:30 am to 3:00 pm and they only get 6 weeks off for summer. They should just make the school schedule 8:00 am to 5:00 pm all year. When you want to take a vacation you have to put in for it at least 30 days in advance. They would have to bring their school work with them on the vacation. That would be perfect, and then the kids would understand what real life is like.

When I first read the DaVinci Code I was very intrigued by the story. I have always been convinced that there was more to the story of the bible. I do believe that GOD sends down people to inspire us and to keep us on track. I do think that these people have learned over the years to keep it "real" and that the Jesus of yesterday would be locked up in 10 seconds in today’s world. There is a lot of talk about Jesus rising up and coming back. So does that mean that reincarnation does exist? I have always thought that I was Mona Lisa in a past life. I know what she was thinking when the painting was done. People have always told me I resemble her (except I have eye brows). So what if Jesus was already here. What if Mac the lead singer of 3rd Day is Jesus reincarnated. He has a strong message from GOD that is "real" he's not in danger of getting locked up. He looks like Jesus. What are we really expecting when he comes back? Unless he is riding on top the wave that is suppose to be coming to kill all of the sinners, then how will you know?

I know a lot of people that have pets. Most people you see with pets you never think anything of it. BUT what is with poor people thinking they need pets. I have known a couple of families with kids at home, and the parents aren't working or they're just squeaking by and they have cats and dogs, and rats, and lizards, and snakes, crazy pets and not just one MANY. They should have a rule if you can't feed your kids then you shouldn't have pets. Where are they coming up with the money to feed these things? We have a puppy and he costs a fortune. I couldn't even imagine having more with less. Then let’s talk about the smell. These animals smell, and these peoples houses weren't that clean to begin with then the people smell, but of course they don't think so. Poor pets : (

What do you do when you meet your soul mates wife? Or your husband’s soul mate? We as a society of people who don't like to be alone are rushing into relationships with people that sometimes we don't even like. There are so many people settling for just OK out there. Whose soul mate are you with? The sad part is that your soul mate can't find you because you settled for something less. What happens when you do meet your soul mate and there with someone else? Do you just walk away? Do you wait? Do you interfere and break them up? I believe that you have relations so that you can grow and learn as a person. When you are both ready then you find each other. But what if he doesn't realize he's with "not the one"? What if he's ok settling? People wake up! If you fight more than you make up, or you’re just in it for the kids, STOP you have someone else's "the one", let them go!

I was in that situation I was married to my 3rd husband and I met his "next", I had known all along that he wasn't "the one" so I had to let him go and let him find his "the one". Leaving me open to finally start searching for mine. I thought I had found him once, but I must be mistaken because he's happily married. So my search will go on.


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