Reports trim fears the economy might slide back into recession
Data on jobless, trade gap offer some hope
This morning (2 am on Friday the 17th) I turned on my computer and loaded the Internet. The above titled article was the first thing I saw on my link. I read the article and immediately had to comment on the website. Following is what I posted.
This is the most ridiculous report. I'm so sick of employed people reporting on how the job market is going, if they really want to know then why don't they ask the unemployed people. I had been working for a Property Management /Construction Company for 4 years. When Construction took a turn for the worse the Property Management Company couldn't take the expense and the entire company went under. I was laid off in February of this year and finding another job has been hard. There are so many companies out there that now have the choice to only hire people at minimum wage. You have the high school graduates, the people that have run out of unemployment all together and are desperate and the newly unemployed, you offer any of them $10 hr or below and the high school graduate and the unemployment veteran are going to snag that job in a heartbeat. The truly qualified middle-class American or above is screwed. I would have to take 3 jobs at $10 hr or less, just to make the mortgage, car payment, and feed my kids.
My unemployment ran out in August and I just got the letter saying that it will be continued due to the Federal extension. Can you just imagine how many people out there that have run out of unemployment and don't qualify for the extension. Are we comparing the unemployment rate falling with the welfare rate?
You also have the companies that are eliminating positions while they are posting jobs. I have had 14 responses from employers. Thank you for submitting your resume however we have decided to go in a different direction with this position. The next thing you know that position has been eliminated.
If the job market is doing so well then why is my brother getting laid off at the end of October because his employer decided to replace employee's with automated machines. My Aunt's law firm is down sizing and they are letting people go at the end of the year. My Uncle works for a private school and they are planning on closing by next school year. This is not good news people. The other day I was trying to think of someone I knew that had a job (not many).