Thursday, April 22, 2010

Living To Learn

Well I did it, I started my own Meetup today. It's called Living To Learn. This group is for people that want to learn about many different things. We will be learning about cooking, dancing, computers, jewelry making, pottery, finances, gaming, writing, ourselves, and anything else you would like to learn with other inquisitive people.
When I had first thought about starting this group my son came home from High School orientation and was devastated by the fact the school had cut there cooking class. With him wanting to be a culinary artist when he grows up I could see his concern. I had dealt with this before with my older son who wanted to be an artist and was told they were cutting the art class out of the high school. I spoke with many of there friends and learned that there are many things that the kids aren't learning in high school. If you don't learn it in high school and you don't go on to college then when do you learn it? So some of the things that we will be covering are the basics - how to balance a check book, how to cook a meal, how to draw, how to sew, etc... Then we will also learn the fun stuff, how to make jewelry, how to do pottery and work with clay, how to belly dance, how to play black jack, how does a craps table work, how to play Bunco, etc... We can also get into the serious computer functions; excel, word, QuickBooks, e-mail, etc... We will also be getting together as people who have problems so that we can learn that were not alone. We will talk about things like being unemployed, being large in a small world, being single, being parents, etc... There is so much that we all can learn from each other.
I love to learn and wanted to start this group so that I could bring other inquisitive minds together. "A day without learning is a day closer to death." OUCH I plan on learning something new every day."

I am hoping that many great people join and that it is awesome!

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